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Can Dogs Eat Cucumbers?

By Bridget Reed


Whether you grow your cucumbers or buy them at the grocery store, there’s no denying their appeal. Cucumbers are low in calories and high in hydration. They’re also versatile, appearing in salads, drinks, and even as a garnish for your favorite dish.

If you’ve noticed your dog begging for a taste every time you chop up a cucumber, you probably want to know if you can safely share a slice with your pup.

Remember that not every human food is good for dogs. You should always do your research before you hand out any table scraps to your pup. However, your dog will likely enjoy sharing a slice or two with you when it comes to cucumbers.

Can dogs eat cucumbers? The answer is yes — cucumbers can provide several benefits to both you and your pup. Read on to find out why cucumbers are good for dogs and which fruits are safe to share with your furry friend.

Are Cucumbers Good for Dogs?

While there are plenty of human foods that dogs can enjoy in moderation, some of them are too high in calories to be more than an occasional treat. Luckily, you won’t have that problem with cucumbers. 

This popular green fruit is 96 percent water, so your dog can safely munch away. A small serving of cucumber in the warmer months can help your dog stay hydrated since they’ll get plenty of H2O with every bite.

If your dog is on the chubby side, using cucumber slices to replace their treats can be a great way to reduce their calorie consumption. Combining cucumbers with exercise and a healthy dog food diet will give your dog all the tools they need to get back in shape.

Regarding their nutritional value, cucumbers tend to be low in calories and high in nutrients. A half-cup of cucumber contains only eight calories, making them a healthy, high-quality choice for humans and dogs alike.

Cucumbers have almost no sodium or fat but contain a decent amount of protein and fiber, which your pup will appreciate. They also provide some much-needed vitamins and minerals, including potassium, magnesium, Vitamin C, and Vitamin K. In most cases, you can’t go wrong by giving your dog a few slices of cucumber throughout the day.

How Many Cucumber Slices Can I Feed My Dog?

Now that you know how great cucumbers can be for your dog, you might wonder how many cucumbers they can eat. Before you go overboard, remember the 10 percent rule.

When it comes to feeding your dog treats and table scraps, the 10 percent rule states that these extra snacks should never be more than 10 percent of your dog’s diet. With that in mind, you can feed your dog as many cucumber slices as they’d like, as long as the amount of cucumber stays below that threshold.

Remember that your dog is an omnivore who needs a lot of meat protein in their diet. By giving them healthy dog food to cover 90 percent of their nutritional needs, you’ll protect their wellness and give them the nourishment they need to thrive.

If you’re unsure where to find the right dog food for your pup, we recommend looking at our complete and balanced Turkey & Veggies Recipe for All Adult Breeds. Feeding your dog this all-natural recipe will support their immune system and overall health. 

You’ll also keep their stomach happy with our blend of prebiotics and fibers, which aid digestion. Feel free to save the cucumbers for a sunny afternoon snack.

Can Cucumbers Be Harmful to Dogs?

While most dogs will love eating a cucumber slice now and then, sometimes cucumbers can harm your dog. Read on to find out what might cause a negative response to this tasty fruit and what you can do to help.

Choking Hazard

Due to their large size and firm texture, cucumbers can pose a choking risk to dogs of all sizes. Smaller dogs are especially vulnerable since even a medium-sized treat can easily block their throats.

However, you can easily solve this problem with a little preparation. Before handing cucumbers to your pup, cut them into tiny, bite-sized chunks or thin slices. Never give your dog a whole cucumber.

Additional Ingredients

Fresh cucumbers are safe for nearly any dog. However, cooked or prepared cucumbers may have herbs, spices, or other ingredients added for flavor, especially if they’re part of another dish.

If your cucumber contains any extra ingredients, we recommend keeping it away from your dog. For instance, pickles have a very high salt content and could cause health problems in your dog.


If you give your dog too much cucumber at once, they could overeat, leading to stomach issues. This is more likely to happen if they’ve never tried cucumber before since the novelty might cause them to devour their food.

To stay on the safe side, always feed bite-sized pieces of cucumber and monitor your dog while they eat. If they usually gulp treats as fast as possible, you should only give them one slice of cucumber at a time.

Which Fruits Can Dogs Eat? 

Along with cucumbers, there are plenty of other fruits you can safely share with your dog. Remember to keep these snacks at less than 10 percent of your dog’s diet, and you’ll be good to go.

Here are a few great options for your pup:


Blueberries are a sweet and healthy snack for dogs and humans. They provide plenty of benefits, too. For one thing, they contain lots of vitamins, antioxidants, and phytochemicals to support your dog’s health.

They’re also a low-calorie source of fiber, which helps your dog’s digestive system. Overall, blueberries are a good treat for any dog parent.


Watermelon is another hydrating snack your dog can have during the summer months. It’s a great source of Vitamin A and potassium, supporting your dog’s overall wellbeing.

Before you give your dog any watermelon, make sure you cut off the rind and remove any seeds, which could pose a choking hazard. Giving your dog small, bite-sized pieces of watermelon is the best way for them to enjoy this sweet treat.


Monkeys aren’t the only animals who can appreciate a good banana. Your dog may love this nutritious yellow fruit. It’s high in potassium, vitamin C, and fiber, so go ahead and give your pup a taste.

However, remember that bananas are naturally higher in sugar than most other fruits. They are great as an occasional treat on rare occasions. Make sure you peel and chop them into small pieces before you feed them to your dog.

Sharing Cucumbers With Your Dog

Now you’ve seen the nutritional power of cucumbers and learned why they make a great dog treat. They’re hydrating, healthy, and low in calories, which means they’re one of the healthiest snacks for your pup to enjoy.

The next time you visit the grocery store, you might want to browse the produce stands and pick up a few extra fruits for your dog. Whether you’re throwing a couple of cucumber slices in their dinner bowl or feeding them blueberries out of your bowl, they’ll love the chance to share a meal with you.


Can Dogs Eat Cucumbers? | American Kennel Club

Can dogs eat cucumbers? Are they safe? Their health benefits explained | Phys.org

Which Fruits Can Dogs Eat? | PetMD

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